Ash Tree and Pond
Tricky takedown today for T.C.Woodgate tree surgery team: Mature ash tree over hanging a pond and in between two yew trees. Great day and...

Emergency tree work
Nice removal these last couple of days in #argoshill Busy time with #emergency work as well. #tcwoodgatetreesurgery #sussex #kent...

Willow Tree Removal
Felled dangerous willow tree with large cracks in both stems #tcwoodgatetreesurgery #sussex #kent #eastsussex #crowborough #treesurgery...

Fallen Oak Tree
T.C.WOODGATE TREE SURGERY TEAM being greated by this fallen old oak!! Only had time to clear the road and entrance....

A Tricky Fell !!
T.C.WOODGATE Tree Surgery team on a nice tricky fell today… No drop zone but all felled without a worry!! And stump grounded out too....

Dead Sycamore Felling
T.C.WOODGATE Tree Surgery team having a great start to the week on #groombridge hill. Felling one dead sycamore tree overhanging the...

Ash Trees Felling
Rotten mature ash trees felled the last two days in #horam Great effort by all the team. #sussex #kent #eastsussex #treesurgery...

Harrisons Rocks and the Scots Pine
T.C.WOODGATE Tree Surgery team removing this beautiful leaning scots pine at #harrisonsrocks One gentlemen said it came over in the 1940s...

Site Clearance
T.C.WOODGATE Tree Surgery team clearing this site in #crowborough #sussex #kent #eastsussex #treesurgery #arborist #siteclearance

Fencing Hedge Replacement
One of our jobs this week in #tunbridgewells Conifer hedge removed and fence put up in its place. #tcwoodgatetreesurgery...